《Plasma Science and Technology》创刊于1999年,是由中国科学院等离子体物理研究所主办的英文版学术期刊。
Plasma Science and Technology杂志简介
《Plasma Science and Technology》宗旨:主要报导国内外科学家就等离子体各个领域在基础研究、实验探索、装置建设和应用开发中所取得的具有新意的学术成果或阶段性成果,并刊登反映这些学科在国内外发展新方向、新动态的综述,以及与等离子体有关的交叉学科和应用方面的最新成就等。
Plasma Science and Technology杂志投稿方向
Plasma Science and Technology杂志特色(不代表本站观点)
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preferably in Encapsulated Post Script (EPS) or TIFF formats. It is also the author's responsibility to ensure that the article is the correct length
avoiding excessive space in figures and ensuring correct numbering of equations. Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published previously
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Style guide
Title. The title should be simple
concise and informative.
Authors' names and affiliations. A list of all the authors
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Abstract. An abstract must accompany each article. It should be a concise summary of the results
conclusions and/or other significant items in the paper. Together with the title
it must be adequate as an index to all the subjects treated in the paper and will be used as a base for indexing. Any mathematical expressions should be avoided. All non-standard symbols and abbreviations should be defined. Footnote indicators should not be used. A reference
if necessary
should be included in square brackets. The results
the conclusions
and/or other significant items should be summarized in the paper.
中外酒业·啤酒科技 部级期刊